Monday, October 22, 2007


Halloween is one of the best holidays ever! I'm not just talking about the scary/ spirits killing people part. I'm talking about the candy! C-A-N-D-A-Y! Yum yum yummy. Yummy in my tummy. Yum! There is just so many different flavors, textures, sizes, colors, effects.... There's lemon heads, gum drops, candy canes, skittles, and twizzlers, and m&m's, twix, hershey's, and almond joys. Snickers, milkey ways, swedish fish, and red vines, pixie stix, sour patch kids, lollie pops, and starbursts. Charlstin chews, butterfingers, candy corn, reecies, tootsie rolls, nerds, and bit-o-honey, gummy worms, and gummy bears, milk duds, and mike and ikes. Thin mints, crunch bars, candy cigarettes, kissables, and rolos. Tootsie pops, yorks, candy apples, and gum. Gobbstoppers, pickle pie, laffy taffys, and jujus. Lindt, nips, lifesavors, smarties, and dessert mints, jelly beans, and jelly bellys, dingle berries, and whoppers, candy rocks, bazooka, carmel, and so much more..

Here's some advice: When little kids come to your door saying "trick-or-treat", make sure you atleast have one of the things listed above. Or you might wake up in the morning and notice that your house got egged, or tped... Or maybe even you car got seran-wrapped.

Have a Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Is not very fun. It can be at times. But locking up kids in a class room for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week is just gay! If I was society I would shorten it to 3 hours a day, 3 days a week. Just minus all the pointless stuff, like SSR. Yeah, kids would still leran to read, they just wouldn't be FORCED to do it everyday. If they really like reading that much then they are more than welcome to do it on their own time. the reason kids are tired during class is because teachers pile homework and projects on top of all the kids. I'm suprised they can still breath. So, kids go to school, go do sports, go home, stay up til midnight struggling to get everything done, go to sleep, and wake up 6 hours later. Then do it all again. It's pointless! Summer's great.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Rear Window Review

Rear Window was one of those movies that kept you at the edge of your seat! Before we watched the movie I thought it would be a dumb boring movie, because Mr. B told the class that the camera doesn’t leave the man’s apartment! But the movie ended up making you think about what would happen next. Of course whatever you thought always turned out being wrong because it was a twisted movie. You would think one thing would happen when a completely different thing happens!

One way the movie kept you at the edge of your seat was how they were always close to being caught. When all of a sudden they would get caught! And it made you think, “aw man, how are they going to get out of this one?!” But they always had a clever way to escape!

Another way this movie kept you at the edge of your seat was that the characters always did the unexpected! And they did it in a sneaky way, so you would wonder how they did that! Like when the girl goes into the murder’s house to find the ring! And the man catches her! It scared me, but when the police came she somehow already had the ring as evidence! Trippy.

One other thing that was good about this movie was how the movie was set up. The whole movie was filmed in the man’s apartment, but it didn’t seem that way because it would also film across the street. Even though the camera never went into anyone else’s apartment, I liked how you could still look into the other apartment’s through the window. It was a good set-up for this type of movie.

Over-all Rear Window was a very suspenseful movie with tons of different twists and turns. It kept your eyes glued to the screen. Even though I was at the other end of the room watching the movie, it felt like I was right up at the screen watching. I also had to turn my head a couple times because my eyes were burning. As you can tell, it was an addicting movie. One that I recommend to anyone who likes twisted, on-the-edge movies.