Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Juan Carlos

Juan Carlos is the shizz. He lives in Costa Rica, and I met him down here during Spring Break of '07. Juan Carlos was out bus driver, even though he wasn't that good at driving. This one time the bus broke down on the side of the road in the middle of no where. We stood on the road for about 3 1/2 hours, it was hot and humis, everyone was complaining, and thursty. It was horrable. But Juan Carlos didn't care. He was just smiling and laughing. Oh, and by the way, it was impossable to talk to him because he couldn't speak english, he couldn't even understand it. This other time the bus wouldn't go up a big hill when we were in the mountains, because everytime Juan Carlos tried to shift gears (the bus was a stick shift), the bus would stall, and then start rolling back down the hill. It was pretty funny because he didn't know how to shift gears. He finally got it down though, and around his 9th try he got the bus up the hill. Cortney, Sydney, Pat and I always laughed at him, he thought we were laughing with him.. But we weren't. We even gave him a nickname, Juan Carlos Del Taco. I think he liked it, even though he probally had no idea what it ment. Juan Carlos Del Taco is like the funniest mexican I've ever met.

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