Wednesday, February 6, 2008


This is my first year snowboarding, and its a lotta fun! I really like it. I've only gone up a couple times this year, but I think I've learnt a lot. The first time i went up I got a 2 hour lesson. But then i sprained my wrist cuz i cought an edge and flew backwards. It healed though, so I started going back up again. I go to Steven's atleast once a week, but I think i might be going up to Baker this weekend. On Sunday I went to Steven's for the whole day, until 10 PM. I was super sore, and tired. I like snowboarding becuase it feels so cool. Just like going down a mountain on like a small skinny board. It's lots of fun.


garret said...

Sounds like fun emma i started boarden a couple years ago to, it can be really hard.

patrick p said...

Wow the mountain is fun because you have no body telling you what to do. I still think your better then people.

horse@hrt/Marlee said...

I liked this because I was surprised to here it was your first year boarding. It was mine this year too. After about a two hour lesson me and Ashley and Sarah still sucked. I feel so stupid remembering the time when I couldnt even get down the bunny hill! or worse yet, the tiny little slope you go down to enter the place. LoL. boardings really fun, ur lucky u get to go so much!

O Rock said...

Hey Emma, this is a well written post because you express why you like to snowboard. Your writing is easy to undestand. Stevens pass is really fun. I like to got there to. Snowboarding is really fun, keep it up.