Thursday, March 20, 2008

First Horse Show of the Year

Sunday, March 2nd, was the first WWGA of the year. WWGA stands for Whidbey Western Gaming Association. Molly and I didn't practise at all for the show and our horses were very outta shape. So i was kinda worried that i would just DQ all the events. Plus Molly and I are in a harder age group this year with more people in it. We had to wake up at 7am to go get the horses ready. We got to the horses at 7:30. We loaded them into the trailer then headed to the fairgrounds. The first event was poles. Which was pretty much the hardest event. I was pretty nervus, but then really surprised when Kathy, Molly's mom, told me I got 4th place outta 30 people! I was really happy. At the end of the day, I didn't DQ any of my events! I was really proud of Foxy (my horse) because she did really good for the first show, plus we never practised. At the end of the show Molly and I untacked our horses and put on their blankets, then we were going to ride them back to the place where we board them (since it is not far at all). Liz and Justina came with us, we just rode double on each horse. Justina and I ride on my horse and Liz rode with Molly. I give Molly the look of "Lets Book It", then we both start running the horses to the fields. Justina and Liz were very surprised and started screaming and almost falling off. Justina was hanging off the side of Foxy, pulling me down with her. Luckily I pulled us back up so we didn't fall. When we got to the horses we were riding them bare-back double around the fields. Then we started running the horses around, and Molly got off Rhia to get the horse's dinner ready. So it was just Liz on Rhia and Justina and I on Foxx. Then Liz kept running Rhia really fast, and Foxy was following her and would not stop until Rhia did. I started riding up the withers, which was hurting my "down-there". I started screaming, "VAGINA!" "OWW!" Liz refused to stop. I was definatly IN PAIN. finally when she stopped i jumped off and screamed. Waddled outta the field and just sat, screaming.
Over-all it was a good day! (:


Yesterday, March 19th, Molly, Emily, Liz, Tessa and I went to the highschool baseball game to watch Hunter (Molly's brother), and Zeke (a friend) play. At first we went to the park to play on the slides and swings. We were up there for about like 15 minutes, then decided to go watch the game. When we got there South Whidbey was batting. After a couple runs, Hunter was up to bat. We all started cheering and doing the wave. Then we decided we were the "Hunter Fan Club." After a while we got cold so we went to the car to watch the game. We turned on the radio, and was listening to music. Then the song "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stafani came on and we all started laughing; because Tessa told us she could just imagine all the guys on the field dancing like sluts to this song. It was funny. Goooood Day.

Couple Weeks Ago... [snowboarding]

A couple weekends ago I went snowboarding with Molly, Liz, ChrisP and PatP. Liz, Molly and Pat were skiing and Chris and I were snowboarding. It was Liz's first time up so she was skiing with my mom because my mom was teaching her. So Molly, Pat, Chris and I were all going down the slopes together. Then we were just messing around and decided to have a rance all the way down to the bottom of the hill, from the top. But it wasn't a normal race. Molly would put her ski's inbetween my legs on my board, then I would sit down on the ski's, and she would sit on the back of them. And Chris and Pat did the same thing. And to stop all you needed to do was slide the snowboard out from under the ski's and slide it up. Steering was sorta hard, but people would move outta the way, so it was all good. But twords the bottom of the hill Molly and I whiped out! I'm not really sure how though. Pat and Chris were right behind us (cuz Molly and I were winning of course), then they saw us and started laughing, then they whiped out, which i guess was Karma. But when Molly and I whiped out both of Molly's ski's came off, and my board BROKE! =\ it was actually really funny! Then we all were just standing on the mountain taking pictures with my broken board, and sledding down it. It was grand. Then we brough my board to the shop, payed $20 to fix it, then snowboarded the rest of the day. The $20 was soooo worth it.