Monday, February 25, 2008


Monday was President's Day, so we got school off. Molly and I really wanted to go snowboarding. We begged my mom to take us, finally she said ok, so we just needed to talk to Molly's mom. At first she said no, but after my mom talkto to her she changed her mind. We got all our stuff ready then cought the 1 boat. After about a 2 hour drive, we were almost to there, but then all of a sudden there was a lonnnnggg line of cars on the road. We stopped the car at the end of the line and my mom got outta the car to see what was going on. When she came back she said they were doing avalanch control so the pass was closed fo an hour. We had to sit and wait in the car for a whole hour 'til we could go to the pass. It was pretty funny though because the people in the car next to us got out and started stretching. But they weren't stretching like how normal people stretch, they were like squating down and jumping and doing lunges and doing all sorts of funny stuff. Molly and I were laughing so hard, we started taking pictures of them through the car window, (they didn't know though, of course). But then we started video taping them and one of the guys saw then they all looked over at us. It was pretty imbarressing but it was really funny. Finally the pass opened again and the line of cars started to slowly merge forward. Once we got to the pass we got our stuff ready, bought our lift tickets then we had 4 hours of really good, fresh powder boarding.


Cortney =] said...

I LOVE this entry because its about boarding and I love boarding, and also because I love how you and molly are such dorks but yet menage to be two of my best friends!

brittany. said...


I really like this because it sounds like you guys had fun. I was almost able to go with u pat chris ad liz but nooo my mom wouldnt let me! Im glad molly's mom let her go after all. Snowboarding sounds fun. I thinks its funny about those guys. I probably would have been laughing really hard too! :) love ya

- Britt

Kate said...

This is the funniest thing ever!! My favorite part was the stretching part because it was soo funny what you guys did!! I mean VIDEO TAPING them!! Hilarious! Ok well we NEED to go up together A.S.A.P.!